Best search engine for you in 2022

Best search engine for you in 2022

Whenever we hear the word search engine. Only one word comes to our mind and that is google. Why not because it holds the largest share of search engine market. 

But in this post we are going to discuss about search engines. Other than  google. So let's get started hey everyone i Abhishek welcome you all on seo-stuck.

So as you know that this post is going to be about some top search engines other than google. Yes i do agree that google has the monopoly in the market of search engines.

If i talk globally then it holds approximately 70  percent share of the search engine market. But there are other countries such as china russia where google lacks. 

And then other search engine rules.

Bing search engine

So let's start with our list the number one. Would be other than google the search engine you can consider is bing. If you are using a windows laptop or computer. 

You might have your default search engine as bing. But we always betray it and switch it to the google. So bing currently being is lagging behind there's.

No doubt in this but in U.S currently bing is holding seven percent of total search engine market. But i want to give you a perk that you should use bing instead of google.

And that is that it gives you some rewards whenever you just browse it. So just imagine that a search engine is actually rewarding you. For just using its services and that is for free.

So bing is the one every time. You use the bing it gives you some rewards and. You can use them in microsoft store. So start exploring bing  now and some good rewards.


Next search engine that i want to talk about is yahoo. Being the one of the oldest  has some potential to be on the number third. Because number one is google  second would be the bing.

And third would  be the yahoo currently yahoo holds approximately 3.5 percent of total world share. But it won't be wrong to say that its popularity is decreasing day by day. 

And if i talk about yahoo's interface. Then it is not as engaging as we can see on the bank. Or on the google but there are users who prefer like news. Or news  related to the finance or sports.

They usually go to the yahoo. So yahoo is a search engine that you should definitely explore being. The oldest so you should respect it third search engine other than google.

Baidu search engine

Would be baidu if i talk about chinese. Then they really love their language they are not like english. Fan like us indian or any other country in the world. They really love their language.

So they have their own search engine. And that is baidu and you would be amazed to know. That china being the most populous country in the world 70 to  80 percent.

Of their population uses baidu not google. So china which is the most populous country with the major audience uses baidu. Not google so baidu is a search engine.

Which is used by chinese. So it could be asked in any interview or you should just be aware of the baidu. So if you have a website to optimize which is either related to the chinese.

Or if you want the chinese audience. On then i think you should  forget the google. And you should focus on the baidu. So if you want to deal with a chinese client.

Then baidu is an amazing choice for you. So just explore the baidu. And let me know more about it. 


Next search engine that you should know about is yandex. Is of russia and more than 50 percent of search engine market is held by yandex. So yandex is a great choice.

Because it is just more than a search engine. It also provides some services related to the transportation e-commerce. And it also has their own browser just like google. 

And not only russia but. If you have some clients from ukraine or kazakhstan or  turkey. Then yandex is a perfect choice for you so. If you have a client which is  dealing in these particular countries. 

Then explore the yandex right now. And there's this amazing feature that if you  store your files in Yandex. Cloud then you will be able to see those files in your search engine.

like you search for your file. And here you go in right there in your search engine. So there's a cool feature about it. Now as you know that google stores your data there's no denial.

Duckduckgo search engine

In this so if you are the one who has like major concern about your privacy. Then there is one search engine. That you can use and its name is duckduckgo funny name.

But the best thing about this search engine. That it does not store your data and so all the privacy lovers out there duckduckgo is a perfect choice for you. But currently it only holds two percent of search engine market in u.s.

But its popularity is increasing day by day globally. So duckduckgo is a perfect option for you. If you are concerned about your privacy or if you want private browsing.


So here is this post about search engines. I hope you enjoyed it if you have learned anything from this post. So please comment us. If  you have any suggestion or query you can  let me know in the comment section thank you so much. 

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