How you should create a YouTube Video in 2022 best strategy

How you should create a YouTube Video in 2022 best strategy

Hello everyone I Abhishek. Welcome you all on seo-stuck. So in this post I’m going to talk about that.  How you should create a video for YouTube. Or I should say that what should be the script or the pattern of your video.

What are the elements that you need to be added in your video in order? To get high views and high subscribers. So let's get started. First of all let me clear that this post is not for a particular niche. It is for everyone and anybody can use it in their videos.

While creating their content right. So first of all let's talk about it that your video should be in seven parts. Or I should say there should be these seven elements. That must be in your video in order to get high reach. 

Hook of your YouTube Video

Right first of all there is hook. Or we can say the starting this is the part from where you start your video. And we’ll call it hook because. Hook is basically a thing that you throw to entice someone right.

So here you will entice your public. You will entice your audience to get a view right. As I have told already that a view counts on instagram. When anybody stays on your platform or stays on your video for 30 seconds.

If somebody watches your video for the 30 seconds. It would be counted as view right. So you have to gain that view by your hook or the starting right. We'll talk about it that what should be in your hook.

And all then there must be some logo okay. Logo is basically a kind of brand appearance. Or I should say there's a small gif probably five to ten seconds. And there would be your channel's name. And some music with it so. 

So this is what. I was talking about that after hook. Or starting you should have this logo. Which will look really attractive? After logo you have to introduce your topic to your audience. After that your content will be there.

That whatever you are explaining in that video. Or what type of content you are giving to your audience. After that there would be summary or conclusion of your video. Then there would be recap of any future video. 

And at the last they would be closer. Now let's talk about each and everything in detail. Okay so this is you can take screenshot of this. Or you can just memorize it right. So you should create your video like this is a complete video.

Starting of Your Hook

This is our hook then our logo. Then introduction then content then summary pre-cap then the closer okay. So let's talk about each and everything in detail. First of all there is the hook. Or starting your hook should be at least 20 to 30 seconds.

Right in your hook you can just start with a question or statement. You can just create the curiosity in your audience mind. That what you are going to teach in this particular video. Or what you are going to deliver in this particular video.

You can just I have also put an example here. That do you know how does a search engine work. Which can just put this question? And let your audience wonder that I don't know. That how a search engine works.

So I should know that's why. I have to watch this video completely. Okay you can add some graphics out there. After that you can just give some self introduction. And basically you should explain your audience.

That why people should watch this video right. That's our point and most importantly you should be energetic. Because this is the hook thing because. This is the starting thing. So the starting thing should be really enthusiastic.

So that people will watch your video till the end. Because what is our aim as I’ve told in the algorithm post. That our aim is not just to get a view but also to get the watch time okay. After look or hope there would be logo. 

How to create a Hook of your YouTube Video

And after logo. There would be the introduction. Here you will introduce your topic to your audience very first. You have to start introducing yourself. You can give self introduction. Or about your channel.

And you can just welcome your audience. That I welcome you after that you should give a recap of any previous video. That you have on your channel. Link any referral video. That you want to address to your audience.

Like if you haven't watched that video. Do what the video and you can give a call of action. That you haven't subscribed our channel do subscribe. You can just give some kind of call of actions in the introduction part.

After that there would be the content. For the content delivery if you are telling them some graphs. Or some data or some facts. Or some theory. Then you have to use the ppt or ms word. For that right I have used the Ms PowerPoint.

Or I should say that I am using the ppt. For this theory after that you should use less words. For the theory it should be in points. After that you can also give some reference of any video. For example I just told you about algorithm post. 

Right so I could say that the algorithm post. If you haven't read that post. The link would be the here. And you can read that post from here right. 

So you can also give some reference to your audience. Okay just do three things that you keep in mind that do not beat.

Do not give extra information

Around the bushes it means that do not give extra information. Which is not required? Or I should say do not divert from your topic. What you have promised. What you have written as the title do  not divert.

From that just give your audience relevant information okay. So  this would be your content. After content you have to summarize your topic. You have to conclude your topic in 20 to 30 seconds. Right so you can just conclude your topic.

Whatever you said in this video that in this video we have talked about this. And after summary you have to give the pre-cap right. Pre-cap is basically if any video is going to come in the future. Then you can give recap of that video.


I hope this post was useful for you. If you have learned anything from this post please comment me. l will feel very happy. And you can just comment down if you  have any question or query you can also comment thank you so much.

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