What is ssl Certificate and how to secure your website in 2022

What is ssl Certificate

Hey everyone and once again welcome to seo-stuck.  Myself Abhishek Singh. In this particular post. I'm going to talk about ssl certificate. That is security aspect of website. From search engines optimization point of view.

Or with respect to search engine optimization. So we will be discussing around what is ssl certificate. And what are the benefits of ssl certificate in search engine optimization. So let's begin this post and let's talk about what Google says right.

So Google rarely mentions. That if you do this you will improve your site's ranking. In the search engine results pages. So you will not come across so many times. That Google is directly mentioning something.

Or Google is talking about the direct ranking factors much right. So we have to figure out that what actually works in search engine optimization. And how our rankings are going to improve. But something very unusual happened.

What is ssl Certificate?

In year 2014 on 6th august 2014. When Google did said something very particular. With respect to the ssl certificate. Which was like Google confirmed that websites with an ssl certificate. Would get an added advantage in the search engine result pages.

So the website which are secure basically. Or which are having ssl certificate installed. They are going to have some added advantage in the search engine result pages. So their ranking will improve right.

So there will be some added advantage. Towards the ranking into the search engine result pages. So how they actually look see. Here is a screenshot which says that this particular website is not having ssl certificate.

So it will show something like not secure. And the https will be like this cross right. So which means that the website is not secured? Or it is not installed with ssl certificate whereas on the websites.

Where the ssl certificate is present. You are going to see something like this there is a lock. Which mentions that this website is secured? And you are going to see something over here in green. Like connection is secure.

Boost in the search engines ranking

So these are the basic differences. Which will help you in identifying whether a website is ssl certified or not right? So and this is how it actually looks now. Let's talk about the boost in the search engines ranking.

With respect to essential certificate. So here is a graph and we have two axes over here. X axis which is one is horizontal one. And then here is the y axis. So if we talk about the ssl certificate.

Ssl certificate is on the y axis whereas you see Google position. Is on the x-axis so the websites which are having ssl certificate? Are ranking at a greater position it is proved right. So over the period of time.

When the research is made. When the graph is plotted. When the analysis is done when the data is analyzed. It is observed at the website. Which are having ssl certificate on their website okay? The website which are basically configured with ssl certificate. 

Are more likely to have good ranking. Right in comparison to the websites. Which lack ssl certificate? Or which are not using ssl certificate. So the websites which are not using ssl certificate. Are performing very poor in search engine result pages. 

When compared to the websites with ssl certificate right. So this is proved right according to different researchers. According to different data this is actually proved now another.

Important aspect of ssl certificate

Very important aspect of ssl certificate. Is that it helps in improving seo. By improving the user experience.

These two websites are ecommerce websites. And you are the consumer. And you are going to buy anything from any one of this website. Which website will you prefer let's assume that you are not a seo guy. 

You do not know anything about the search engine optimization. You are not digital marketing guy right. And you do not know stuffs about ssl certificate. The technicalities the ranking the search engine result pages. 

All those stuffs you are you are just a normal consumer. Right a layman kind of a person right now. If you are seeing these two websites. One is a like a red thing mentioned over here. Which says that it is not secure? 

And the other thing which is there. And like a green colour and which says that connection is secure. So on which website you are going to do the transaction. It is very obvious that you will follow this particular website.

And you will be purchasing from this particular website. Because of this surety that the connection is secure. And the cards or the payment methods that you are going to use. The information that you are going to put on to this website. 

Is definitely encrypted right. So this is a psychological aspect also. From very journal perception. If we ignore all the technical aspect. Of search engine optimization it is very obvious. That the people who are going on to the ssl certified website.

Another aspect of ssl certificate

Or the secured website. There are more chances that they are going to do transaction. From there right. So this is an aspect of ssl certificate. Apart from this we know that the technical.

Technical importance is that Google prefers that website right. So the websites which are ssl certified. Are going to rank higher in the search engine. These are pages this is proved earlier also.

So if we talk about the different types of ssl certificate. Now so there are like five types of ssl certificates. The one is single domain ssl certificate. So if you are taking this certificate. And then you will not be able to apply that certificate on your sub domains.

Or something likes that. If you have a website and. You are planning something around your sub domain or something like that then you should not go for this single domains ssl certificate.


So these are the different types of ssl certificate. We talked about the importance of ssl certificate. It is directly it is one of the factors which are directly related with the ranking. Ranking system of Google.

So if you are ignoring this thing definitely. There are chances that definitely I’m pretty much sure. That your website is not going to perform very well in the search engine result pages. On different keywords.

So that's it for this particular post I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you learned something from this post please comment in bellow Thank you.

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