Rank Math and Yoast SEO best WordPress plugin in 2022


Rank Math and Yoast SEO best WordPress plugin in 2022

Hey everyone Abhishek here from Seo-stuck. Just taking a quick look at the seo plugins. And the differences between rank math and yoast seo.

Rank Math and Yoast SEO

Now if you've been you know using wordpress. For some time now i think yoast is a default. You just create a website you install yoast. And you start optimizing your content.

your metadata that way there's a lot of type in the wordpress community.

about rank math so i had to install it try it for myself. And actually purchase the pro version. So i could see what it's all about and you know i think the thing that most users love about yoast.

You know red not doing. So well orange you're doing okay. And then green you have something really well optimized. And then the differences between seo but also readability. And i think you'll see ghost did a phenomenal job.

Rank Math

You know everyone uses it it's a reason why it has over 5 million installs. For that but looking at rank math and doing some more you know exploring.

With that i installed it on my own site and start to look at you know the different features lists. That they provide but then actually comparing and see how accurate. It was and it was a slam dunk i think rank math in my mind.

After just looking at some of the basics and essentials that it includes. I think is a lot better not only is the code more learn. By you know almost half for lines of code. The size it's smaller plug-in.

And then you can actually go down this features list. And see you know what is everything. That rank math has yoast has and then seo press. Which you can exclude seo press. That's not even shouldn't be using that at all.

Yoast seo and Rank math

But yoast you know for comparing. The big player that everyone uses there's a lot that you know rank math. Totally overtakes yoast with and it you still get all the benefits.

And and the cleanliness i think on the ux side and ui side that really people love. So if we look at a blog post here that i'm writing

On the comparisons of rank math versus yoast. It rather than breaking up seo and readability. Which i never thought the readability score was that great from yoast. Depending on your theme. It just has your seo rank here.

In the top right so you can see so far i got an 88 out of 100. For this if we do go below the article and this is a avada. Theme that we're utilising here. If we go down you know just like yoast you have our separate module.

Down below and same thing title permalinks descriptions what's the focus keyword. You want to be found for basic seo additional. You know scoring and then they do get into readability as well which phenomenal recommend recommendations.

And you can find these errors are pretty easy to fix. You know use a table of contents to break down your text. It's pretty lengthy article i'm writing. So the table of contents i'm going to input after this and then your content contains images.

In our post also great media to implement so uh phenomenal as far as the same kind of things.

Rank Math and Yoast SEO best WordPress plugin in 2022

Yoast seo vs Rank math

That the bells and whistles people love about yoast. Rank math has and then in addition the pro version i think.

Is what is the game change and what really separates. It is you know looking at the different modules. That rank math comes with a few of them you don't need it all. Because there's a lot of ways to do it such as you know redirects.

You know things like that you don't necessarily need. An seo plug-in to do for you however if you don't have that extremely convenient. You know i think that's a great you know addition. Where i think it totally overtakes yoast is when you do the setup wizard.

It not only sets it up correctly and optimizes your site. But it actually pulls all of your yoast metadata over into rank math. So you don't have to redo anything it actually just is a clean transition takes everything you have.

For seo settings puts it into rank math. And then the image seo. I think was one of the things i was most impressed with that. You can actually edit you know all the different elements of you know. Alt tags title tags.

Comparison of both plugin

Within kind of one fell swoop. That you know add missing alt attributes. If your images and media don't have it already. Or your title attributes caption attributes you can add things. At length to your entire media library.

With just activating this so you don't have to go. And do it individually so there's things like that i think are massive upgrade. To optimise your site optimise your content in addition to the image seo. I think they do a great job with the you.

Know link counters general schema for your data local seo. You know i think there's some phenomenal settings within that. And this you know is a great overview. But you can get a lot more in depth. With the you know e-commerce.

Side of things too if you're e-commerce. But there's a lot of other things in here too that are totally worth. Exploring and the pro version is worth it you know it's totally worth the money. Definitely do the upgrade and i know yoast kind of pieces things together.


With add-ons you know by the you know wordpress version. Of it by the or excuse me the e-commerce version. Of it there's different kind of resources from yoast you can just get the whole. Thing with rank math.

My Expression

So i would highly recommend installing it. Check out their site and look at the comparisons for yourself. And then actually test them within like a staging environment. Just do you know see how you like it.

But for someone who's been using yoast. For you know probably whatever five ten years. It's something that i'm extremely impressed. I highly recommend rank math and i think as we're looking at the search for seo.

I think rank math will overtake yoast at some point. It's going to take a while because they're not even at a million activations yet. But when they do get to that point. I think this is way better so i you know give it a look at my conclusion.

For this though is rank math is better than yoast and i would highly recommend installing.

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